1 EU a krajiny projektu

///1 EU a krajiny projektu

1 EU a krajiny projektu

capital:             Lisbon

area:                92 212

citizens:           10,3 million

state system:   republic

language:        Portuguese

curency:          Euro

Portugal joined the European Union on 1 January 1986.

capital:             Bucharest

area:                238 397

citizens:           20,1 million

state system:   republic

language:        Romanian

curency:          Leu

Romania  joined the European Union on 1 January 2007.

capital:             Riga

area:                64 589

citizens:           2,1 million

state system:   republic

language:        Latvian

curency:          Euro

Latvia joined the European Union on 1 May 2014.



capital:             Paris

area:                640 679

citizens:           67,1 million

state system:   republic

language:        French

curency:          Euro

The country  is a founder  of  the European Union


capital:             Bratislava

area:                49 035

citizens:           5,44 million

state system:   republic

language:        Slovak

curency:          Euro

Slovakia joined the European Union on 1 May 2004.

capital:             Ljubljana

area:                20 273

citizens:           2,01 million

state system:   republic

language:        Slovene

curency:          Euro

Slovenia joined the European Union on 1 May 2004.


capital:             Ankara

area:                783 356

citizens:           80,8 million

state system:   republic

language:        Turkish

curency:           Lira

Turkey is prepared to join  the European Union

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2019-05-24T10:27:40+00:00 May 24th, 2019|Slovakia|