In order to get our pupils better acquainted with the topic of the project Sharing the world we asked Ms. Genet, teacher and Sainte Croix Saint Euverte and coordinator of our ULIS unit to make a presentation for the 2SPVL class. This class (together with pupils from the social sector from the 10th grade) participated in the 1st learning mobility in Romania.
Ms Genet presented the laws and the rules regarding disabled pupils in France, as well as the way in which they are integrated in the professional world later on.
This presentation was part of the first step of the project – the introduction of the topic to the pupils of our school and to the team of pupils involved in the project directly.
The students got the chance to ask questions and discuss among themselves and with the teachers present. They also discussed the possible improvements that can be brought to the system as well as the issues that could be changed. They realised the importance of such a project, that allows the exchange of practices among different European countries, and therefore the possibility to improve and learn new things.