Participants: France (F Pricop, V Fillion, K Nicier), Latvia, Slovenia (2 pers), Slovakia (2 pers), Romania (4 pers), Portugal (2 pers), Turkey (4 pers) Date: 15 - 17 May 2018May 15 - the day started with a presentation of the high school with its specificities (results, Russian majority - 60%, bilingual education) - visit of a school for children with disabilities in Daugavpils (activities with pupils, participation in various courses, explanations concerning the education system in Latvia) - cultural visit of a castle, explanations concerning the city of Daugavpils and its history - discussions concerning the project (activities, evaluation, exchanges concerning practices, positive and negative aspects)
May 16 – the day started with a conference on the exchange of good practices. The Latvian high school has invited representatives of the municipality, teachers from the specialized schools as well as representatives of the associations. We presented the systems for integration of people with disabilities in each country – presentation of Latvian and Russian traditions (dances, songs …) – with the participation of high school students – visit of the Polish Cultural Center (presentations of activities, participation in some activities) and different churches
May 17 – Visit of the Medumi boarding school, which welcomes students with disabilities. Participation in a show organized by the boarding school and site visit, explanations concerning the system put in place – visit the Rainis Museum (Latvian national poet) – Presentation by the high school psychologist (presentation of the situation in the school, what measures for students in difficulty, examples of practices)