Visit to orphange house “Priedite” 02.02.2018.

///Visit to orphange house “Priedite” 02.02.2018.

Visit to orphange house “Priedite” 02.02.2018.

On Friday, February 2nd the participants of the Erasmus club of “Daugavpils Krievu vidusskola-licejs” visited the orphanage house “Priedite”.

Orphanage pupils met us jolly and willingly. It is worth noting that majority of children have remembered our names from the previous visits. General topic of our visit was fairy tale “Turnip” (“Репка”). We tried to practice the fairy tale therapy method to establish good contacts with our new friends and to motivate them learning something new.

We were divided onto three groups to do different activities. The first team played a modern version of a fairy tale “Turnip” with orphanage pupils and showed it to audience. The second company created characters of a story from paper and cardboard and then presented the fairy tale using their puppets. And the third one improved fine motor skills, playing with modeling clay. As conclusion, we could state that a child is more interested when attention is directed personally on him because during the activity with theatre only a part of children were engaged and the others were busy with personal things. Also I want to notice that we have become friends with orphanage pupils and we wait for our next visit with impatience.

2018-05-10T13:00:00+00:00 May 10th, 2018|Activites and results, Latvia|